From High School
to Higher Learning
How to Make the Transition to College or University
Without Feeling Overwhelmed
or Stressed About Your Future
Take the Low-Stress Path to Post-Secondary
Link2Success is here to support you every step of the way - so you have an awesome high school experience while navigating your way to post-secondary excellence!There's going to be lots of new and unfamiliar systems & organizations to deal with, but that's where we come in!
Get on our email list and we'll show you how to make the journey to post-secondary with maximum confidence and minimal stress.

Our Systems Have Helped Many Students!
Find Your Best Fit Program
Katie had no idea what post-secondary program she wanted to enroll in. Katie needed to know who she was and what brought her purpose to spark motivation and bring clarity to her path.Our coaching helped her gain clarity about her interests and led her to discover a Bachelor of Psychology was her best-fit program.
We're your trusted partner in success!
During high school, Link2Success will help you:
- Successfully navigate into post-secondary,
- Nail all your deadlines,
- Develop a powerful set of skills for the next phase of your education journeyAnd, you'll do it with lower stress, greater self-awareness plus you'll feel empowered as you shape your future!

Our Coaching Gives Students Certainty!
Get Clarity on Your Path
Parvin was good at math and science but wanted to do something creative, too. She was unsure of which program she would be well-suited for.We worked with her to zero in on software engineering as the best-fit program for her skill set. She had time to get a tutor, boost her average to 92% and was accepted to a program at York University.

About Link2Success
Experience Matters
With decades of experience in all aspects of education, our team has helped hundreds of Ontario students just like you.We'll help you successfully navigate your journey to post-secondary education!

Link2Success is dedicated to helping Ontario high school seniors successfully navigate the challenges of transitioning to post-secondary education.We coach students step-by-step throughout their Grade 10, 11 and 12 years to:
- Help them establish clarity about themselves and a best-fit post-secondary program,
- Build certainty in their abilities as they develop strong organizational skills, and,
- Assist with the search for funding so they feel trust in being able to pay for their post-secondary education.We do all this all virtually - through online webinars, group coaching, and with a library of tools and resources for students.Our program helps students optimize their personal growth throughout their educational journey.We also stay connected with parents throughout the program, so they can support their child's journey every step of the way.
Tackle Your Financial Fears!
Uncover a treasure trove of funding for your education!
Students like Ali know they'll receive OSAP, but it's not always enough to cover all their post-secondary expenses.We helped him track down additional funding in the form of scholarships and bursaries so he didn't have to stress about how he was going to pay for school!There's so much more we want to share with you, so sign up for our newsletter and get tips, case studies and tons of practical info!

Your Post-Secondary Future Awaits!
Get ahead of the crowd - subscribe to our email newsletter

Do you have any questions about how we can help?Drop us a line using the form below.
We'd love to hear from you!